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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  December 16, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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the president said we can't tolerate this anymore. he said we can't tolerate this anymore. these tragedies must end, and to see them end we must change. he spoke about laws. he said no single law, no set of laws will eliminate evil from the world but if you can act to save one life to prevent one more attack like this, that's something the nation must engage. so he is speaking to an audience that wants to receive the message, and an audience of people not just in the town of newtown but all across the nation that are hurting. >>judge jeanine: i was there last night, and i have to tell you, watching people doing kind
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of makeshift memorials and lighting candles, it was palpable. you could feel the pain and agony in that town. i can't imagine what it's like today now that we're finally doing vigils and prayer services, and tomorrow the first child will be buried. >> yeah. and the only word you can come up with is that it's so sad. the people are building the memorial. they're wearing ribbons, bringing the toys. they created a little memorial of angels, one representing each of the children who were killed in this act. because no one knows what they can do. no one really believes they can do anything that will make the situation right. but you have to do something as opposed to nothing. because people are hurting so badly, and no one has the ability to make any sense out of what happened here because simply it just doesn't make any sense at all, judge. >> mike tobin, thanks so much. now let's go to mollie lyon who
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has information on the victims and their families. what can you tell us about the victims? >> judge, as the names have come out, we're finally seeing their faces and learning a little more about their lives, about the loved ones that are they're leaving behind. let's start with six-year-old jack pinto. a huge, huge giants fan. the first-grader loved sports and was honored by his favorite team and favorite player, victor cruz, who wrote his name on his cleats. another first-grader, jesse lewis, was six years old. his father says he loved animals and riding horses. olivia engle, also six years old, on a facebook memorial page created by family friends, she is pictured in christmas scene photos. and there were six women killed as well. these are teachers, administrators, many of them referred to now as heroes, including victoria soto, 27 years old. she urged her kids to hide in
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her classroom, family members say they were told that she died after lying to the shooter, after telling the shooter she had sent the kids to the gym. >> thanks so much. and i'm joined now on the phone by connecticut state police lieutenant paul vance. lieutenant, i very much appreciate your joining us so soon after the ceremony. >> yes, ma'am. >> all right. lieutenant, today more information came out, and one of things you talk about is the fact it appears there's a lot going on in social media, and you were very clear at your last press conference there will be investigations and prosecutions of individuals who were saying that they have information on the case or are posing as people who either were part of the shooting or part of the -- threatening individuals in this case. what can you tell us about that?
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>> it's very clear, as you have been reporting and speaking about, a very complex investigation. it's a very difficult investigation. and there is a great deal of innuendo and incorrect information that's being put out there by people who are posing as officials, who are posing as people that they are not, and they are simply causing interference in the investigation. we certainly are following every single lead and tidbit of information we uncover, leaving no stone unturned and this is actually hindering the investigation. so i have spoken with the federal authorities and they're right onboard, and in fact if there are any -- anyone posts anything that is incorrect, inaccurate or threatening, they will be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted the fullest extent of the law. >> lieutenant, you indicated there was a fourth weapon that was found in the shooter's car, the suspect's car, adam lanza's
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car -- i hate saying his name and i'm going to try not to. but we know that he took the long gun, the bushmaster, as well as the glock and the sig saue. the fourth gun that you indicated was there, what kind of a gun was that? >> that was a shotgun that was located by investigators after the shooting, inside of the suspect's car. >> we believe that was something that his mother -- that was another gun that belonged to his mother? >> the ownership is undetermined. i'm not privy to that information. suffice to say all of the weapons are being investigated thoroughly by a team from the day they were built, up to the day we seized them, trying to determine every avenue those weapons took, where they were used, who they were used by, and everything associated with them. >> you know, lieutenant, now we have the technology and the ability to do what is called ballistic fingerprints, where,
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as you say, we go back to actually the making of the gun and the -- there were 30 magazine -- 30 clip magazines here, as well as finding out where this gun may have been used or any of the guns may have been used in the past. it's really a history of each of the weapons. >> that's very correct. and we seized numerous clips that were for the ar-15. we seized numerous clips for the semi automatic handgun, and we will investigate the origin of every piece of weaponry utilized this in tragedy. >> lieutenant, there are reports that as a young boy the shooter had gone with his mother to gun ranges. have you been able to confirm that? >> i am not aware of that information. but, again, all of that will be examined. every significant piece of information relative to weapons,
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theed indication, licensure, registration, everything. >> i have no doubt, having listened to you for the past several days, and i believe today, the last two apsis were done. clearly the shooter killed himself, interestingly, reports are he used a handgun, whereas he used the bush master on the children and teachers. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> and that the mother-according to reports, was shot in the face and actually shot four times in her badge jam -- pajamas and her bed. >> the place of death i am not familiar with but the medical examiner indicated she died of multiple gunshot wounds. >> lieutenant, let me ask you, a somewhere personal question. as a prosecutor and a judge for 30 years, how are you doing? >> we're fine. you know, this is the -- as you certainly can imagine, one of
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the most heartbreak horrific crime scenes many of us have experienced. we have to work through that. the men and women are getting support from certainly social service agencies and employee assistance as required, but we have to raise up to the challenge, and we're going to do everything humanly possible to answer all the questions surrounding why and how this occurred. >> well, of that i have no doubt. lieutenant paul vans, you have been doing a terrific job. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you, your honor. >> coming up in a fox news exclusive, a man who knew the shooter and his mother and sensed something was not right.
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>> you were the director of security for the board of education which included a high school where the shooter attended as well as part of the same school district where these children, these innocent children were murdered along with many of their teachers. >> yes. >> as director of security you had occasion to meet and interact with many students. >> yes, most of them. >> and you did meet i believe several years ago the shooter in this case adam lanza. what were your impressions of him? >> i believe i first met him +g:ry![8+oe-6]>l[d34
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other young men but with a few disorders that had to be addressed. >> what kind of disorders? >> asburgers is out there. he was withdrawn and had difficulty interacting with other students. >> richard, when you say asbergers is out there, did you know that at the time? how old was he when you first met him? do you remember? >> 13shgs 14 yb÷çoxgq!f,pwxv(ñaf school. beçeg(st39s js88l;ç;eauxpw: freshman year he was y
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small in size and he had a lot of fear coming into the high school and interacting with other students. >> but did he have a reason to be fearful of the other students? was he picked on? >> not really, no. no. not really. newtown system itself is a very, very loving caring school. the administrators, the teachers, most of the students usually adopt kids younger than
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them. no, there wasn't. >> all right. richard did you have occasion to meet his mother during the time that he was in school, nancy lanza? >> yes, often. >> tell us about her. >> she was a great person. i liked her very, very much. she was the type of parent who interacted with her children, was deeply involved in the educational process. friends were probably chosen well. the activities she was involved in all of the time. >> how did see ahe and her son interact? >> tough to say. quite well. there was a difference between twot boys. one was out going and energeti adam was withdrawn and shy.
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the idea was to inject him into an environment where he would thrive and maybe grow and come out of his world. >> were you surprised when you heard all of this? >> shocked. i am still shocked. >> why? >> this is a boy who was more likely a victim which is why i would watch him very closely rather than be the person who victimized. i am shocked. >> friday morning just blew me away. i was busy with work and i fist received a text from my own son who attended the school systems. i really i do believe this could be possible.
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>> are you surprised the mom had so many guns? >> i am shocked. i am surprised she had that many guns. caused me to really rethink keeping me up at night wondering why i would not have envisioned her not only to have guns but the type of guns. >> we thank you so much for sharing your insight on the shooter and his mother. thank you for being with us this evening. >> thank you, judge. >> coming up tomorrow morning millions of children will go back to school. will they even be safe? can something like this happen again? later they say time heals all wounds, but how long will it take to heal after a tragedy like this. lots of prepaid cards come pre-filled with problems.
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stop this crazed individual. he is evil. he did the devil's work. what can we do in schools to protect our children? >> they did have some plan in the school. we could probably tweak that, though. >> how? >> apparently the shooter got in through the glass door. what happens is he shot the glass door out and went inside. the class itself wasn't -- was very easily penetrated. he was able to access the school. so there's a couple different things we can do. >> what? >> something simple like put the bars on the doors. >> people say, harry that that's intimidating. you don't want metal detectors you don't want a cop with a gun. now you are talking bars. you believe this is something we need to do? >> i think that the lock down is probably the answer.
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>> describe a lock down. >> you do with your emergency action plan. it is basically locking down the school which they tried to do. they locked all of the doors. >> but the shooter is in the school. right, exactly. the shooter got into the school. if they had some kind of bars on that door maybe the shooter could not have gotten to the school. >> so let's accouple that there is this as you call safety or emergency action plan. that means that we have to train the teachers and efshl else. is this expensive? who pays for it in a world where the end of the fiscal cliff, how difficult is it? >> we know that schools aren't going to put 50,000 dollars into a security upgrade. something like this is easy to do. it is a little schooling. you can basically get a handyman to do some of the work to the windows and to the doors and you will have a he csecure school.
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what we need to do is have some type of an alarm where they know it is time for the lock down. >> everybody heard what was going on. >> what should parents do tomorrow morning should they call their school and say hey what is the safety plan for my child? >> that is something they should definitely do. i suggest parents call the school and ask them do you have an emergency action plan in effect in the school? if not, why? and if not, when? get together with the pta, then you can all get together talk with the school off fifsh shalls and police and put an emergency action plan together. lock down is very cost effective. >> what about children? when you say that we heard about the drills these children before, i use to do hide under
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the desk. my kids will say that's where they were written on the silk tablets. today the drill is what? simply to go out of the school? how do you prepare little kids without scaring them? >> for an active shooter you don't want the kids running out of school. they can run into the active shooter. you want to be able to lock down the classroom. if you can lock down the classroom, get the children down on the floor, take their desks lay them over get behind the desks lock the door so the shooter doesn't gain access to that. the first two or three minutes of an active shooter incident is the deadliest. what we want to do is we want to slow him down so that if we slow him down the police can respond and then the police can deal with him. >> very quickly, you were a detective, homicide detective at nypd. these guns we were hearing about
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the gloch the bushmaster a lot of viewers don't know what they are capable of. a semiautomatic they are talking about 30 rounds to a clip. how quickly can that go off? >> you have the bushmaster. >> which is right on the screen right there. >> you have the 223 or 2.56 round military round. you can empty a 30 round clip in less than 15 seconds if you are really trained to do that. >> that is scary. >> they said there were hundreds of rounds. obviously 30 round clip hundreds of rounds that means he was reloading. >> in all cases this quick, bam, bam. >> appreciate it. thank you for your expertise. do we spend too much time trying to understand what to me is simply and purely evil? and later, does faith, religion and belief in god hold a key to
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>> other stories we are following. secretary of state hillary clinton recovering at home after fainting and suffering a concussion. she was scheduled to testify at hearings looking into the
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benghazi events. senior state department officials with testify in her place. >> growing misery in the fill means as the death toll has grown to 1,000 from a typhoon. a massive search for 844 people still missing. it's set to continue into the new year. army troops, police, and government personnel canceling christmas celebrations in order to help. all your latest headlines, log on to you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. janeane from newtown connecticut. >> the person that choose to act this way was acting with a god given right he was given by god that has given all of us to act and choose whatever we want. god can't take that away from
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us. >> the town struggles to come to grips with the unimaginable. the question really is how will we even begin to heal. with me clinical psychologist author of inside the criminal mind and psychologist dr. roby ludwig. >> you saw that it is heartbreaking the father of a 6-year-old thwho basically for gives he is not angry. how does a parents do that? >> he wasnhasn't gotten in touc with his anger. it is something he will have to deal with. his whole life was turned upside down. his daughter's life was robbed from her. o so of course there's anger. there's a healthy component. if you get stuck in the anger that is when it is not healthy. you can hear the father's instincts are really good. he's keeping his daughter's memory alive making the memory
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vivid for the whole world to experience. that's the first healthy step many of the parents are going to need to do. >> when i was reading about the children, there is one of the children noah who is going to be buried tomorrow. he has a twin sibling. she was in another classroom. how does she at this young age, she won't really completely understand it, but at some point will she have what's called survivor's guilt? >> we don't have the answers to everything that happens in life. we don't know why childrertain e survive and certain people don't. perhaps her role can be in trying to make this a positive for herself. give her brother's life some meaning. who knows, maybe she will end up being a defense attorney one
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day. >> maybe a prosecutor. >> i tachange my statement. >> doctor, you are very familiar with the criminal elements who basically refuses to be caught in a trap of labelling these people who are killing under the gooidz of a mental illness. >> the talk about autism and the shooter lacking social skills. do you realize every one of these shooters has been described as a loaner and with drawn. you know why that is? because these are people who don't want others to know them. these are people who are secretive. these are people who have a lot going on in their minds that they will not announce to others. they simply don't have social skills because they don't care about social skills. their view of life is they are the hub of the wheel everything must revolve around it.
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we put labels on trying to explain the unexplainable and there by create more excuses. >> doctor as someone who tried a lot of criminal cases murder chases insanity defenses i never thought the issue of insanity which people will surely come upon in the near future as it relates to this case has anything to do with the fact of what was done. and so the labelling of asperger's which i have seen it used in other homicide cases is almost an excuse. people say oh but he was smart. that's almost an excuse as well. >> the fact that the perpetrator was smart makes for a wonder rl cover. if you are smart, a brainiac i believe he was called that makes it easier to get a pass for others to focus on how bright the person is. there are people who said to me to kill somebody you have to be
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insane. you have to look at the facts of the case. how the shootings were committed how purposeful, how rational and deliberate brat they were. >> spinning off of it you have a guy who shoots his own mother in the face, shoots her four times. what is he so angry about? >> we don't know. but clearly there was a contentious relationship between him and his mother. >> we heard about from the teacher, i believe four years back maybe three years back is the mother cared about him and cared about him. >> she may have. interpersonal relationships between a mother and a child can be very conflicted. perhaps her son got worse as time went on. he was out of control. it sounds like for some reason they were too isolated that the mother and son had too much time together. i don't know how much outside intervention she asked for.
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sounds like she home schooled him. >> i have a few seconds before we go to break. the idea of a mother knowing her son had problems and then taking him to a gun range, having these high powered weapons and clips obviously. a glock and a bushmaster which is like an ar 15 assault rifle. what was she thinking? >> you don't have to have a ph.d. to say it doesn't sound like a good idea. even if she sought help for him, we don't know if she did or not. it's hard to get help for a kid like this, to de catain a kid t get adequate treatment it is very hard in the year 2012 to do that. >> doctor, both of you stay with us. coming up this week the burials will start. how can a parent possibly heal from such a traumatic event.
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later the role of religion and faith and healing in this faith and healing in this process. i thought i'd start the video
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by showing you the apartment building where the fire was. when things like this happen, i think you find a new perspective on life. red cross put us in a hotel so we were able to stay together. we're strong and if we overcame that or if we can overcome that...
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we can overcome anything. [ sniffles ] ♪ davino. >> she heard everything the shots and the doors slamming and people yelling. she just wanted to come home. her heart was racing. she was scared. >> the first funeral for one of the young angels killed in the shooting is set for tomorrow. 6-year-old noah pozner will be laid to rest in fairfield, connecticut. with me is grief counselor robinwoodman and dr. sam now is still with us. talk to me about this week parents bauurying their childre. it's counter indue tive that's supposed to be the other way. >> what happens is they feel like it should have been them. there's nothing worse for a
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parent to go through. and at this point when you are seeing these parents are in shock, they are numb, they are overwhelmed with their feelings. they may not even feel their feelings. they have been almost disassociated with their feelings. you talk to people at this stage and they will tell you like they are going through the motions and they are like a robot. actually sometimes it's the people around them that are literally kind of carrying through these very difficult steps. >> how do they come out of it? when do you get out from under the cloud? you have other children at home. children who are suffering as well. >> sometimes that's what brings you at least into living. it doesn't necessarily bring you into a full happy life because there's a whole that really doesn't get filled but what they do is find a way eventually if they can to have their grief track in their life and then the living track of their life. and they sometime have to keep a
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foot in both worlds and eventually the living part can get bigger. >> you do this for a living. you recommend the parents who are burying their children that they get counseling, stay in touch and not be withdrawn and what else? >> well, i think what you see over time is that everybody has a different reaction. there aren't stages of grief. it is through out your life. it involves stages. at a certain time your friends children are graduating from high school and yours aren't. you start to pay attention to how you are doing. there are a certain number who need specific help to help them learn how to cope and actually can be very successful with and find some kind of meaning and new people in their life. >> they talk about post traumatic stress syndrome in wars. these kids have seen hell a lot
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of them. >> they were in a mini war when you think about it. the rampage. when i first heard the news i was like is this another terrorist attack. it almost sounded like that. what post traumatic stress disorder is having oo frightened reaction. we usually walk around thinking we are safe and the world is safe. there is a recognition the world is no longer safe or in your control. >> we heard last night about a child who was afraid to have her father leave her side for good reasons. >> there will be regression, nightmares sometimes panic attacks. fear to go near the school, to be separated from a parent. maybe to have sleep overs. so parents can just be aware of this work with their pediatrician. sounds like the town is really helping out and being a resource for the entire community. >> the question that -- the bigger question is how does the town heel? >> it was put together.
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don't you think they have each other? being connected to each other. also not tomorrow not just next week but it is over many months so you keep reaching out so these people don't feel alone. >> there was no question that everyone in that town was affected in one way or another. how hard is it to identify one who might commit a crime like this? >> i don't know about that but these individuals are like little terrorists or big terrorists. they live in their families and their parents and others spouses and adults they are afraid of them. it is difficult to get people like this to stay in hell to detain them. let me tell you there is no pill
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that is going to cure this position. there might be a prayer but people who are evil are not amenable to mental health professionals. the illness conversation on america which i thought was excellent. there is talk you can't get help unless they start committing crimes. >> this is after they committed a crime. you areutely correct getting them help before that is like climbing mount everest barefoot. >> we need to talk about the deeper issues so we don't have this happen a year from now. we don't know what the cause for these spree killings really is. >> all of the burials as a country how do we deal with that. my heart breaks.
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i ha i am a mother. i have seen child abuse and homicide cases. this one just breaks your heart. >> i think what you do is you pay attention to the people that are right in your world to help them with this and also learn to be he knows is tive to the other people who also need extra help. >> great panel dr. leslie, dr. good man and dr. stabenow. these are without a doubt the most difficult of times. can faith heal all wounds?
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>> let the little children come to me jesus said. do not hinder them. for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.
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god has called them all home. may god bless and keep those we have lost in his heavenly place. may he grace those we still have with his holy comfort. >> with me is jack monday a member of billy graham's rap hid response team and jarrod murray past fore pastor of holy family parish. >> i am going to start with you. you were part of billy graham's rapid response team. i understand your team arrived in newtown on friday the very g day this happened. tell us what you saw? >> yes, after arriving we made contact with the state police and the fire here in newtown. because of our chaplain having a police back ground and fire background they were welcomeled immediately at the volunteer fire departments and escorted to
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the emergency operations center. >> and jack you do this regularly as parted of this response team you go all over the country. >> actually, we have been doing this since september 11th we have responded to 154 disasters ten of which have been on mass shootings. >> i am going toing to you father murray. thank you so much for being with us today. i guess the question we all ask is an all knowing powerful loving god allow this to happen. >> the way i look at the question is, if you want to know what the world is like without god this is an example. this man turned away from god obviously and did something tremendous. killing your own mother and killing innocent children so against nature completely against the ten commandments. god is not responsible for this.
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we are as human beings are free choices. i notice that public reaction is not to turn away from god and blame him. it's to go to god and pray for sympathy and the victims and constellation. >> you know father can you understand a parent who lost an angel and will be burying these children this week can turn away and say, how could god take my child from me? oo god didn't do it. the message we say is god loves that child. that's the hope of christianity. jesus having his little ones. the answer is more complicated than somebody might like. we never know when the call is going to come. this is horrible it shouldn't happen. on the other hand it's a proof we have to fight evil not tolerate it.
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>> i went to catholic schools and i am a catholic. i staund we have been given free will, but you know the ability to choose what we want to do is still -- it allows those other people to choose evil. it is something we can't stop. >> we can offer another law, a law of love and training in sympathy. it will be interesting to read what part religion played in his plan's life, if anything. >> we need to be more rae lig gus as a nation. >> jack monday, we hear from the father roby parker of one of the children. he said, i am not angry. i for give. does that surprise you? have you heard that before? >> i have. as we respond to disasters.
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we meet with people who have a foundation of faith. a faith in christ. we have people who don't have a foundation of faith at all. it is a testimony of what gods has done in someone's life that is foundational. they have a faith in christ. they know that is their source of hope, their source of comfort and when they do turn to christ and to god's word that offers that hope they are the ones. not to say they don't hurt, they don't suffer, it's still an agonizing loss for them. no different than any one else. it looks like a reality when you have a faith in christ and you can put your competence in him and focus his folks on his team. oo will oo it is not end of the story. there is hope. >> father murray for those people who haven't had god in
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their lives, who haven't been practicing religion people say i don't believe in god. do you think there's a chance they will come to god as a result of this? >> the eruption of hell into an otherwise peaceful community there is more to life than what we simply choose to do. the to turn to god and know what's right. >> i want to thank you for being with us and thank you for all that you do. thank you for being with us this evening. >> that's it for our special edition of "justice." as we sign off tonight our thoughts and prayers go to all of those affected by the horror that has visited us this fapast friday. thank you for being wulgs.
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